Jogging is a great form of exercise, per 10 minutes of jogging you can burn 100 calories. That means per hour of light jogging you can burn up to 600 calories. It’s important to note that this does depend on your fitness ability, terrain and the incline of where you’re jogging.

Read this article to find out more about how many calories you can burn while jogging if you can lose weight by jogging for 30 minutes a day and can weight loss results be improved by jogging every day. 

How Many Calories Does Jogging Burn?

Jogging is a great exercise that can burn a lot of calories if done right. According to research, jogging burns an average of 100 calories per 10 minutes, pretty impressive.

Of course, this depends on the speed that you jog and your fitness level. If you are a fitter person, used to exercise and intense workouts then it’s likely that you won’t burn as many calories per minute of jogging because your body is already used to the workout.

You can use our calories burned jogging calculator to figure out how many calories you will burn by jogging.

It’s proven that you burn more calories and find it easier to lose weight when you first begin a sport rather than after becoming used to it.


Can I Lose Weight by Jogging for 30 Minutes a Day?

If you were to embark on a run every single morning, for 30 minutes, you could burn an incredible 300 calories, before you even get to work. If you are serious about losing weight you need to put your body into a calorie deficit of 500 calories a day.

Use the TDEE calculator to work out how many calories you usually burn every day and then you can decide how much running you need to do to equal the 500 calorie deficit. For example, if your current energy expenditure is 2500 calories per day, and you ate 2300 calories, then you would need to jog for 30 minutes to burn around 300 calories to equal the calorie deficit.

If you don’t follow a calorie deficit diet, you would see results of jogging but it would be slow and difficult. It’s better to partner an intense exercise like jogging with a calorie deficit diet in order to get the results you really want, as soon as possible. 

If I Ran 5km, 3 Times Per Week, How Much Weight Could I Lose?

If you are a beginner in jogging and you run 5km, it should take you around 30-40 minutes, depending on your fitness level. This means that you would burn 300-400 calories per run. If you repeated this 3 times a week, that’s 900-1200 a week.

This is a great amount, but only if partnered with the correct diet in order to put your body into the essential calorie deficit it needs to lose weight. Weightwise, this would mean you could lose a pound of fat every 2 weeks, assuming you have the fat to lose. As we mentioned before, this is an important factor, slimmer people do have a harder time burning calories, there’s just less there to burn. 

Is Jogging Good for Weight Loss?

Jogging is great for weight loss. It does depend on your starting weight as to whether this is a sport you could begin immediately or if you should start with walking first.

People that are overweight or have underlying health conditions related to movement tend to begin with walking every day before adding in some small sections of jogging. This can help reduce the occurrence of injury and it also means that your body can get used to some form of exercise before you turn up the heat.

Jogging in general gets your heart rate going and is classed as cardio, therefore, it burns calories. The exercise is intense, but generally short and because of this, your body will burn calories for several hours after you’ve finished exercising, resulting in better weight loss results. 

Can I Lose Weight by Jogging Every Day?

If you jogged on a daily basis for 30 minutes per day you could burn around 2000 per week, which unarguably would result in weight loss. Also, after you have finished jogging your body continues to burn calories. This could be for a few hours or even a full day depending on the intensity of the workout, pretty amazing! This feeling also suppresses your appetite, therefore, reducing your calorie intake too.

Both of these factors contribute to weight loss as well as doing the actual sport itself. Combine this with eating healthily and you will see weight loss results in no time.

If we talk about the results of jogging every day in terms of weight it would be around a pound of fat a week, if you were eating a calorie deficit diet on top of this, you would surely see some incredible weight loss results.