If you decide to start cycling to lose weight, you should plan on adding about an hour of this exercise to your schedule daily. One hour of cycling burns roughly 500 calories, and you will need to burn 3500 calories to lose one pound.

Cycling is a great way to get in shape and add some cardio to your workout. Doing this type of cardio can quickly help you get into better shape and improve your mood, health, and weight. 

For more information on cycling to burn calories and lose weight, take a look at the article below.

How Many Calories Does Cycling Burn?

The exact amount of calories a person will burn while cycling will vary depending on many different factors, including weight, age, health conditions, etc. However, on average, a person weighing around 150lbs who cycles between 12-13 MPH for 30 minutes will burn right around 300 calories. 

If you weigh more than 150 pounds, you will likely burn more calories at the same speed for the same amount of time, while those who weigh less than 150 pounds tend to burn a little less.

You can use our calculator to figure out how many calories you will burn from cycling.

How Much Weight Can I Lose if I Cycle for 1 Hour Per Day?

Cycling for 1 hour per day would help you lose about 3500 calories per week, which means you can lose around one pound if you were to cycle for an hour every day at the same pace.

If you were to break this down, you want to cycle enough to achieve a caloric deficit of around 500 calories per day in order to lose one pound per week.

While man people feel like one pound a week isn’t a lot, one to two pounds a week is considered a healthy way to reduce your body fat and can increase the chances of you keeping it off. Remember, “Slow and steady wins the race.”

Is Cycling Good for Weight Loss Around the Stomach Area?

Aerobic exercising is a fantastic way to lose weight around the stomach area, which includes cycling. Any type of moderate to high-intensity cardio will aid in weight loss equally throughout the body, tackling stubborn fat in places such as the stomach area.

If you are looking to lose inches around your waistline, adding cycling sessions into your daily routine a few times a week is a great way to reach your goals in a decent amount of time.

How Many km Should I Cycle Per Day to Lose Weight?

A good rule of thumb that is effective for many is to cycle around 20-30kms per day in order to reduce extra body fat and lose weight.

Again, you should always keep in mind that weight loss isn’t going to be based on a one size fits all routine. The exact amount of km cycled to lose weight is going to vary per person based on age, gender, weight, and other variables.

If you are unsure of how many calories you need to burn to lose weight, you should consider utilizing our total daily energy expenditure calculator.

This type of calculator can help you determine what your BMI is, what a healthy weight for you looks like, and how many calories you should be taking in to maintain or lose weight.

Having this type of knowledge will help those with any type of body understand the healthy amount of calories your body should be taking in and how many you should eliminate in order to successfully lose weight. 

Can Lose Weight by Cycling Every Day?

Cycling daily is a very efficient way to lose weight no matter who you are. However, the weight loss is going to look different for each person and their situation.

Someone who is in great shape and exercises regularly will need to cycle faster and ride longer to lose weight compared to someone who has a desk job and hasn’t done a workout in a long time.

The reason a sedimentary person will lose weight easier, in the beginning, is that the body is burning more energy and calories than it did in the past, leading to more weight loss. This weight loss will start to slow down as you begin to reduce your amount of access fat.

The good news is, the more you ride, the healthier you become. The healthier you are and the further your cycle, the more stamina you will build and the more distance you can cover, in turn providing you with a great workout and tons of calories burned.

Summing Things Up

Cycling is a fantastic way to quickly lose access to body weight and burn a ton of calories as long as you fully understand the way calories work. This includes acknowledging how many calories you are currently taking in, how many you need to maintain your weight, and how many you should cut out or burn to lose.