Bread is often the first thing to cut out of your diet if you are trying to lose weight, but it doesn’t have to be. There are smart bread choices like sourdough bread that are fine to eat in moderation even when you are on a weight loss journey. 

What’s so special about sourdough? There are plenty of reasons why sourdough bread is a great swap for your traditional white or wheat bread when you’re trying to lose weight. If you’re curious why sourdough bread is a dieter’s best friend and how it can aid in weight loss, keep reading. 

What is sourdough bread? 

Sourdough bread is a type of bread that is not leavened by traditional bread-leavening agents and is instead leavened by naturally fermented yeast to make it rise. The natural fermentation process means that it’s loaded with gut-friendly bacteria.

Sourdough has a unique slightly sour flavor (hence its name) and a deliciously chewy texture that is amazing fresh or toasted if you want to amp things up a notch. It tastes great as a base for your morning avocado toast or stuffed with your favorite sandwich fillings. 

Another great thing about sourdough is that you can pick up a loaf at the grocery store or easily make it yourself. Sourdough starters, or kits that you can use to make sourdough from home with just a few simple ingredients, have increased in popularity in recent years.

Why is sourdough bread better for weight loss than other types of bread?

You often hear that if you want to lose weight and still eat bread, the best option is sourdough. The results speak for themselves, but why is sourdough bread better than your average whole wheat or white bread? 

Sourdough is a great bread option because of the simple, healthy ingredients. It’s much more nutritious than a loaf of white, wheat, or even whole grain bread.  

If you’re looking to lose weight, it’s definitely the right choice in the bread aisle because it isn’t loaded with the additives and chemicals that will make you pack on the pounds. 

All bread contains good vitamins and minerals like magnesium, zinc, potassium, and more. However, most bread that you buy in the store is low in phytic acid which is necessary for proper absorption of those vitamins and minerals. When you eat regular bread all of that good stuff goes to waste.

Conversely, sourdough is high in phytochemicals which helps your body actually absorb all the good vitamins and minerals in the bread. This is because of the unique fermentation process that makes the delicious, tangy sourdough bread that you love so much. 


Is sourdough bread healthy?

The health and fitness industry has been loving sourdough bread. It is widely recommended as the best bread choice for weight loss and overall health. 

Here are some reasons why sourdough bread is one of the healthiest bread choices.

Simple ingredients 

It’s common knowledge that when you’re trying to eat healthily and lose weight, you should focus on eating foods with simple ingredients. Avoiding overly processed foods with long ingredient lists is usually a good rule of thumb, and this usually includes bread. 

Real sourdough bread is the ultimate in simplicity because it only contains 3 ingredients: water, flour, and wild yeast. This means that sourdough is minimally processed and doesn’t contain additives like high-fructose corn syrup that might prevent you from meeting your weight loss goals. 


The focus on gut health in recent years has shined a spotlight on the importance of incorporating fermented foods into your diet. Foods like sauerkraut and kimchi have become a trendy pantry staple for so many, but you can get some of the same benefits from sourdough bread.

Sourdough bread is good for your gut health because it is full of good bacteria thanks to the unique fermentation process that it goes through. It is loaded with prebiotics and probiotics that help to line your gut with good bacteria. 

Lower health risk 

Carbohydrates have long been demonized by the health industry for many reasons including the negative impact that it can have on blood sugar levels. If you struggle with blood sugar regulation due to diabetic or prediabetic conditions, you may have been advised to avoid bread altogether. 

Although sourdough bread isn’t perfect, it’s a much better choice for someone with blood sugar issues than traditional white or wheat bread. Sourdough is a low-glycemic index food and it is full of fiber, so it will not cause rapid spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels that are typical with most other types of bread.

Is sourdough bread gluten-free?

Many people avoid gluten in their diet as a health preference or because of a diagnosed gluten intolerance or Celiac disease. Although there are plenty of gluten-free bread options, you might be wondering where sourdough fits in the mix. 

The wheat in sourdough bread is changed during the fermentation process which may make it easier to digest. Sourdough bread isn’t certified gluten-free because it does contain gluten, but research shows that sourdough is sometimes better tolerated by people who have a gluten intolerance. 

Sourdough bread is not recommended for people with Celiac Disease to avoid any potential adverse reactions.

How can I lose weight by eating sourdough bread?

Sourdough bread can help you satiate your craving for a delicious sandwich or piece of toast while still working towards your weight loss goals. This simple bread is full of fiber and essential vitamins and minerals that will help you feel full longer. 

Although sourdough bread is a great food to eat when you’re trying to lose weight, remember that true weight loss is only achieved through achieving and maintaining a caloric deficit. This means that you must eat fewer calories than you burn through activity and exercise each day. 

Weight loss is simply a numbers game of calories in vs. calories out. As long as you take in fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight over time regardless of what you eat.