Jumping rope is a plyometric workout that gets overlooked because of its simplicity. Plyometric training makes for a well-rounded athlete. It increases speed and agility by improving the efficiency of muscle groups.

Plyometric exercises like jumping rope are excellent for cardiovascular health, tone muscles, and burn massive amounts of calories, which is great for weight loss.

Other than weight loss, there are several obvious benefits of jumping rope:

  • Gets your heart rate up into your fat burning zone quickly for a more efficient workout
  • Doesn’t require a gym membership or a lot of space to get started
  • Are an affordable piece of equipment and widely available

What are the benefits of jumping rope every day?

By incorporating jumping rope into your daily routine, you will see both physical and psychological benefits. Here are several great reasons to incorporate jumping rope into your daily routine.

It burns a lot of calories.

You can burn at least 200 calories in just 15 minutes jumping rope. This is equal to 2 ounces of cheddar cheese, 16 ounces of soda, 4 slices of bacon, or a single candy bar.

Therefore, you can still indulge in a daily treat without sacrificing calories, or you can add the extra calories burned to your caloric deficit if you are trying to lose weight.

Jumping rope makes it easy to get all your cardio in.

Just 15 minutes of jumping rope can replace a 30 minute run with a 10 min/mile pace. If you hate running or don’t have a lot of time, it’s the perfect cardio alternative. And you can jump rope anywhere, so you don’t have a lot of space or go outside to do it.

As a plyometric exercise, jumping rope develops power, endurance and speed.

Elite athletes are always looking for an edge. Jumping rope is often utilized by boxers and bodybuilders because it doesn’t diminish muscle condition the way other cardiovascular exercises can. But it keeps them lean and builds endurance while increasing the efficiency of fast-twitch muscle fiber.

Although jumping rope is a cardiovascular exercise, it can actually add to muscle tone to your body, especially legs.

It’s relatively safe and low-impact.

Jumping rope is easier on the joints than high-impact cardio, running, and traditional plyometric training, although you may not agree when you begin! Once you get used to it, though, you’ll see that the movements are very small and controlled, but they offer maximum results.

Jumping rope offers just enough impact that it builds bone density. This decreases your risk of developing osteoporosis and osteoarthritis later in life.   

A variety of jumping styles guarantees to challenge your body and mind.

As you try new jump rope challenges, your brain releases extra endorphins in addition to the ones you’re already getting from the exercise itself.

Not only are you challenging your body to move in different ways, but you are also improving your focus and making new connections between your mind and body.

Jumping rope daily improves coordination and body awareness.

Because of the specific hand-eye coordination required when jumping rope, you will further develop those skills and improve reflexes.

You will also reduce your risk of falling or getting injured doing other types of workouts as well as day-to-day activities when you have better balance and coordination.

Studies show jumping rope can even stimulate brain function.

The rhythmic, gentle motion of jumping rope helps to connect the two brain hemispheres. This results in faster electrical impulses between the two sides of the brain, leading to better coordination and can improve your ability to focus, retain knowledge, and learn new material.

It is also known to alleviate stress. Jumping rope is sometimes used to benefit children with cognitive disorders, such as ADHD and autism, but anyone can enjoy these mental benefits.

jumping rope

Can I Lose Weight by Jumping Rope Every Day?


Jumping rope for 15 minutes a day can elevate your heart rate and keep your body burning calories after your workout is over. Using jump rope as a warmup for a different activity will maximize the amount of calories you burn walking, running, dancing, cycling, lifting weights, or doing a HIIT workout.  

When you begin, you probably won’t have the stamina to jump rope for a solid hour, but if you could, you’d burn around 1,000 calories! Walking at a moderate pace for the same amount of time only burns about 250.

How to Jump Rope for Weight Loss

For maximum weight loss benefits, try to do 15-20 minutes of jumping rope per day. This will burn 200-300 calories, and it will get your heart rate up into your fat burning zone, where it’s likely to stay for another 10-20 minutes.

To get an effective workout and minimize your chance of injury, adopt this form:

  • Pick the right jump rope. Your jump rope should be about three inches longer than your height.
  • Bend your elbows at 90-degree angles and keep them close to your body
  • Flip your wrists to make the rope go well over your head
  • Use small, controlled bounces rather than big jumps, barely bending your knees to absorb impact
  • Keep your feet together, and try to keep your head up, with your neck in a neutral position.
  • Relax your shoulders as much as possible, but tighten your abdominal muscles for added core toning and strength.

The Real Secret to Weight Loss

When it comes to weight loss, there is no secret. There is one tried-and-true method: burn more calories than you consume.

Successful weight loss is slow and steady. This isn’t something we want to accept in our fast-paced world, but it is the key to losing weight and keeping it off.

To do this, you need to figure out what method works best for you to achieve a caloric deficit. For some people, this can be done through diet alone, but for the vast majority, exercise is a crucial part of weight loss. In addition to achieving a larger caloric deficit, you’ll also build a stronger body and experience a wide range of physical and psychological benefits.