It’s possible to lose weight by jumping rope for 20-30 minutes four times a week. A 200lb man will burn 360 calories in a normal jump rope workout, making the practice ideal for those hoping to shed a few pounds and burn fat all over their bodies.

How Many Calories Does Jumping Rope Burn?

When calculating the total number of calories someone burns, we need to remember that the process depends on factors such as weight, total exercise duration, and overall intensity. We can, however, calculate how many calories someone burns when performing moderate-to-high intensity exercise. 

For example, a 200-pound person will burn around 360 calories jumping rope for 20 minutes without rest and 1,080 calories jumping rope for an hour. Those with a lower bodyweight will burn fewer calories, but still plenty to kickstart the fat-burning process. 

This makes skipping rope one of the most effective, and efficient, forms of cardio out there. Its relatively low impact (depending on which type of floor you land on) is easier on the joints than running, too. 

Jumping rope (also known as skipping) is popular with a range of athletes from dancers to boxers. This is because it forces users to work on coordination, balance, and total body movement. Both the upper and lower body must work in unison to avoid falling over the rope, and jumping at just the right time requires fast reflexes.

For more info, you can use our calculator below or check out our other article, Calories Burned Jumping Rope Calculator.

Calories burned Jumping Rope Calculator

Calories Burned🔥: 0

How Much Weight Can I Lose In One Week of Jumping Rope?

A good goal for weight loss is around 1 pound per week. You can lose up to 2 pounds per week if you really push it.

It’s not so much about how much exercise you do. It’s more about how much of a caloric deficit you are in. You should strive to be in a 500 daily caloric deficit to lose one pound per week. If you want to lose 2 pounds per week, then it needs to be around 1000.

Jumping rope and eating less are both tools in your tool belt to achieve this caloric deficit.

Aim for a slow and steady approach when using the jump rope to lose weight. 

How Much Weight Can I Lose in 1 Month of Jumping Rope?

It’s possible to lose around 5-10 lbs a month jumping rope by working out one hour a day, five times a week. Like all other forms of exercise, having 2-3 rest days a week is vital for recovery. 

You’ll also need to figure out your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) and subtract 500 calories from this to lose weight in a healthy way. This will ensure your weight loss is consistent throughout your journey.

You can use our TDEE calculator here.

It’s possible to radically change your physique by jumping rope – all it takes is consistency, willpower, and making sure you consume fewer calories than you burn. 

Can I Lose Weight by Jumping Rope For 20 Minutes a Day?

Of course. In fact, completing short workouts may be more beneficial as you’ll have less recovery time throughout the week. 

Shorter workouts are also a lot more attainable. For many, the prospect of working out is a daunting one and we can fall into paralysis by overthinking fitness and trying to set too many goals at once. It’s easy to build up the prospect of losing weight to the point where we don’t actually do anything. 

Therefore, setting attainable targets that don’t put too much pressure on us may be the way forward. Slow and steady wins the race, and you can absolutely lose weight by jumping rope 20 minutes a day. 

girl jumping rope

Does Skipping Rope Help Lose Belly Fat?

Losing fat is a holistic process that can’t be contained in one part of the body. No matter what form of exercise you undertake, it will be impossible to only lose fat in predetermined areas. 

What skipping rope does do, however, is burn fat across the whole body – belly included. Its high energy output and demanding nature make it perfect for those hoping to gain cardiovascular fitness and lose weight. You’ll also be sharpening your coordination skills. 

Can I Lose Weight By Jumping Rope Every Day?

Of course! Before you start, though, it’s important to keep a few things in mind. 

Exercise programs are built on progression, so it’s vital that you make your jump rope workout sessions tougher each week.

For example, you could train your endurance one week before finishing off the session with speed. The next week, aim to train for speed and finish off with endurance. 

You can also add variations such as crisscrossing and hopping on one leg to build strength and progress your jump rope skills to the next level. 

Final Thoughts

The jump rope is used by athletes all over the world. Its versatility, intensity, and propensity for progression are all perfect for weight loss. 

Jumping rope is also easier on the joints than running and can be done from the comfort of your own home – if you’re hoping to lose a few extra pounds, get jumping!