If you have ever exercised on an elliptical machine, you know that it can provide an effective cardiovascular workout without putting too much strain on your joints, but just how many calories can you burn on an elliptical?

The answer depends on many factors, including your weight, the duration of your elliptical workout, and the intensity at which you workout. However, the average person can burn anywhere from 350 calories to 450 calories per hour on an elliptical.

How many calories can I burn on an elliptical? How does working out on an elliptical compare to running? Is using an elliptical a good way to lose weight? The answers to these questions and more are revealed below.

Calories burned on an Elliptical Calculator

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How many calories do you burn on an elliptical?

How many calories you burn on an elliptical will depend on several factors.

  • Your weight: As with any type of exercise, the more you weigh, the more calories you will burn. For example, a 130-pound person can burn approximately 230 calories per 30 minutes on an elliptical exercising at a moderate intensity whereas a 220-pound person can burn up to 765 calories per 30 minutes on the elliptical working at the same intensity. This does not mean a person who weighs more gets a better workout than a person that weighs less. It simply means that a person who weighs more has more calories to expend.
  • Your gender: Men tend to have more muscle and a lower body fat percentage than women, which helps them burn more calories than their female counterparts at a comparable time and pace. However, this is just a generalization. Of course, a woman on the elliptical with a higher muscle mass than the man of comparable weight next to her would burn more calories.
  • The duration of your workout: If you worked out on the elliptical for an hour at a moderate pace you would burn more calories than you would by working out on the elliptical for 30 minutes at the same pace.
  • The resistance used: To burn more calories, you can increase the level of resistance on the elliptical machine and vice versa. The higher the resistance, the more energy you will have to exert to match the resistance.
  • The intensity of your workout: The intensity at which you exercise directly affects the number of calories you will burn. Increasing the resistance and picking up your pace will force a higher intensity workout, resulting in more calories burned.  

How many calories are burned for 20 minutes on an elliptical?

A 150-pound person can burn around 110 calories on the elliptical working at a minimal effort on resistance level 2. The same person can burn around 140 calories working at a vigorous effort on resistance level 8. Try using a calorie counter for an easy way to calculate calories burned on an elliptical.

How much weight can you lose using an elliptical for 30 minutes a day?

The primary factor in losing weight is cutting calories, which should be done through consistent exercise and eating a well-balanced diet. Exercising on the elliptical for 30 minutes a day, five days a week can aid in your weight loss goals. As long as you ensure a calorie deficiency, you can lose weight quickly and keep weight gain at bay.

How to burn 500 calories on the elliptical?

Burning 500 calories on the elliptical is easily attainable. In fact, a 150-pound person can burn 500 calories on the elliptical in just 75 minutes working at a vigorous effort on resistance level 8. And if you incorporate a few calorie-torching techniques, you can burn those calories even faster. Some techniques include,

  • Alternate your pace: Alternating your pace between slow, moderate, and vigorous can have you burning calories like crazy. Not only does interval training help you burn more calories during the workout, but it also induces excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, which will have you burning calories for hours after the workout.
  • Grab the handlebars: The handlebars of an elliptical machine are not only there for your safety and stability. They are also there for a total body workout. When you begin to pump your arms while also working your lower half, you will inevitably burn more calories.
  • Follow a pre-programmed workout routine: Did you know that your elliptical machine has various workouts programmed into it, including high-intensity interval training routines? Follow one of these programs while you work out or find one on your favorite fitness app to increase your calorie burn.

How many calories are burned on an elliptical vs. walking?

Both exercising on an elliptical or taking a brisk walk is good for your health. However, an elliptical offers a higher calorie burn per workout than walking. For instance, a 155-pound person can burn around 330 calories while exercising at a moderate pace on the elliptical whereas the same person could burn around 150 calories walking at a moderate pace for 30 minutes.

How many calories are burned on an elliptical vs. a treadmill?

How many calories you burn running on the treadmill is dependent upon how fast you are running and at what incline. A 155-pound person could burn around 590 calories running at 5 miles per hour in one hour at a low incline. If the same person ran at the speed of 7.5 miles per hour, they could burn around 930 calories in an hour. Comparatively, that person could burn around 670 calories per hour on the elliptical exercising at a moderate pace.  

Can I lose weight by using an elliptical every day?

You absolutely can lose weight by exercising on the elliptical every day. As long as you are burning more calories than you are intaking, you will lose weight. However, for best results, the elliptical should be part of a well-rounded exercise routine that consists of weight training and other aerobic exercises.

If you are looking for an effective way to burn calories, lose fat, and shed weight, try incorporating the elliptical into your workout routine!